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On almost becoming knowledge/information black hole

Over the years I have accumulated lot of knowledge/information about things which I find interesting. Some of it is obscure some practical. But If you compare what knowledge/information is coming out of it, it is almost negligible. It is all getting stacked up in the wetware of my mind, and it is getting crowded there. There are not many avenues accessible to me right now where such knowledge/information can be given out. And it is not for the lack of trying. Of course there places where such knowledge/information can be added. But I am avoiding contact via the forums where I could be active but I choose not to. I am becoming more reclusive as the time passes and the feel to get validated by others is diminishing.

Another major challenge has been my own procrastination/lethargy and lack of focus and disciplined planning and overarching purpose for such diffuse unconnected morsels of knowledge/information. But that is exactly what it is. The change in focus is so rapid that it is not making beyond the threshold. In an hour I might be reading about Lucy spy ring during second world war, to origins of consciousness, to recent advances in particle physics to concerns about digital-ebook lending to inferential statistics in R to typesetting a peculiarity in LaTeX …. and the list goes on. At other times it is just mindless scrolling of the endless data stream that has become THE feature of our times. This is sync with the Huxelian vision of future, land of plenty for control. Anyone with an internet connection now has more access to knowledge/information than our predecessors just a generation back.

There is more data in the Matrix than we can download.

But for me personally, it is not leading to production as I would have imagined. It is just getting stuck in the proverbial loop, like The Groundhog day, everyday is the same with little variations here and there. It just is not coming out with any sense of accomplishment. Its not that it has been nothing, there have been outputs, but compared to what it should have been it is below minimal. What knowledge/information is coming out is a trickle as compared to the torrents (both literally and figuratively) that are going in. It is like a knowledge/information blackhole, almost nothing seems to come out as

How to make this even? I think the first step, as many more-able peers had advised me during my thesis writing is to keep absolute time for writing and doing things. Also someone had suggested using the Pomodoro method which has helped me in completing deadlines. Perhaps that is what is needed, a bit of discipline and systematic manner in which to channel both the inputs and outputs..


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