Illustrations for Alice in Wonderland – Part 3 – Peter Newell

Peter Newell was a prolific American illustrator and author. The books with his illustrations for Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass were published circa 1901. These are paintings rather than line drawings. The books were printed in black and white/grayscale so are the illustrations. But there must be a set of fully colour versions of these paintings. Some of them you can see here and there on the interwebs, but a complete collection I could not find. If you know of colour versions of these paintings please let me know.


Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Down she came upon a heap of dry leaves.


The poor little thing sat down and cried.

“Now I’m opening out like the largest telescope that ever was!”


The Rabbit started violently.


The Mouse gave a sudden leap out of the water.

The Caucus-Race.


The Dod solemnly presented the thimble.

“Mine is a long and a sad tale,” said the Mouse.

On various pretexts they all moved off.

“Why, Mary Ann, what are you doing here?”

“What’s that in the window?”

“Catch him, you by the hedge.”

The poor little Lizard Bill was in the middle being held up.

The Puppy jumped into the air.



The Caterpillar and Alice looked at each other.

Old Father William standing on his head.


Old Father William balancing an Eel on the end of his nose.

Old Father William turning a back somersault in at the door.

“Serpent!” screamed the Pigeon.

Then they both bowed low and their curls got entangled.


Singing a sort of lullaby.


Sp she set the little creature down.

This time it vanished quite slowly.

He dipped it into his cup of tea and looked at it again.

They lived at the bottom of a well.


Don’t go splashing paint over me.


“Off with her head!”

It would twist itself round and look up in her face.

“Don’t look at me like that.”

The Hedge-hog was engaged in a fight with another Hedge-hog.


“Tut, tut, child!” said the Duchess.


They began solemnly dancing round and round Alice.

“Will you walk a little faster,” said a Whitling to a Snail.

Alice began telling them her adventures.

“Come on!” cried the Gryphon.