They say “What is in the name?”, I ask “What is in thy name?”
I use the alias damitr in many places. It is actually an acronym for my full name. My name among its various meanings also means something which is ‘the immeasurable.’ But recently while solving an anagram problem it had an idea: what all meanings can be derived from this acronym?
So I used a Free Software named an, apparently one of the original writers of the program is Julian Assange. But the usage is very simple, and it is available on Debian repositories,
So I typed
$an damitr
And I got all the possible combinations of these 6 words. It turned out some of them are quite meaningful and do actually make sense why I am ‘the immeasurable’!
Some of the interesting anagrams are:
triad m
admit r
dirt am
am dirt !
dirt ma
ma dirt
dart i’m
i’m dart
dart mi
dram it
Mt. Arid
Mt. Raid
rid mat
rid tam
dim tar
dim art
dim rat
mid art
mad it r
Dr Mita
Dr. Amit!
Dr Tima
Dr. Tami
Dr. Itam !
di mart
i’d mart
id mart
id tram
i’d tram
di tram
ad trim
d tarim
Among others…